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[Interview] Mad Dog (English) : The Roman genius

Pillar of the hard Bordeaux scene, the “collective” Skullcore has again taken control of L’Entrepôt this Saturday, January 12 with two big headliners 100% Italian: Mad Dog and F.NøIzE!

Fans of hardcore and all kinds of edgy music, we arrive on the spot, take our bracelet and already we hear the big kicks of Ghoul’s Hammer reason from the great hall. The crowd warms up quietly, and the first steps of hakken are felt all around us. Another point that surprises us: the huge inflatable devil’s head placed on the stage as scenography, ready to swallow anyone who approaches too much. With the heat and the music, we have the impression of landing in the lair of Satan.

After a refreshing little can (yes, L’Entrepôt offers beer in a can at unbeatable prices: € 3!), We head to the backstage to meet the crazy dog of the evening: Mad Dog.

-“Hi Mad Dog, how are you?”

-“Great, thank you!”

-“Is this your first time in Bordeaux?”

-“I’m a lucky DJ, I do a lot of dates all year round but I do not remember if I played here (laughs). But it seems to me that I recognized the airport, which means that I probably already had to come here.”

-“How do you feel the French public? Pretty hot?”

-“In Europe today, it’s the best audience. In any type of hardcore the French give everything they have it’s really beautiful to see.”

-“What are your plans for 2019?”

-“I try to get out a piece every month, and I already have 3 or 4 pieces ready to go out. One with AniMe, a collaboration with Angerfist, one with a new DJ from my label called Blaster and many other things.”

-“For those who do not know much about hardcore and the music you do, how would you describe it?”

-“Ahah, it’s not easy to say … I would say it’s my type of hardcore. After many years I finally finished my style, it’s energy with a lot of melody and distortion.”

-“What are your inspirations for making music?”

-“At this moment a little bit of everything. It goes from some movies, to the french touch. I’m inspired by SebastiAn, or guys from the Busy P label, Ed Banger.”

-“What is your best and worst memory on stage?”

-“I would say the first big event I did on the main stage, “a nightmare in Rotterdam” a big, big night where I realized that I had managed to be where I wanted. And the worst I would say once when I had to go to the bathroom during a set because of too much water and alcohol ahah.”

-“Thunderdome or Dominator?”

-“Ah, it’s hard … It’s like choosing between your mother and your father! the Thunderdome is the night of my youth, the editions of 97,98 or 99 … and the Dominator the festival of my career, I did not miss a single one! I can not choose ahah.”

-“Ok, well thank you very much Mad Dog, we wish you a good show!”

-“Thank you !”

So we let the Italian DJ to let him get ready for his set and we head to the stage to see if he was going to be at the level he had promised us. And he did not miss: the creator of the anthem of the Dominator Festival 2017 chained drops more angry than each other and managed to make the public sweat. It even pleases fans of terrorcore (tap Google you’re not going to be disappointed 😉 ) by exceeding the bar of 220 BPM.


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